Exam Preparation
Asatid students have a very high success rate in examinations. We will be delighted to help you decide which of the many examination courses we offer is right for you.
Well structured course programs, small classes and advice on exam strategies from experienced teachers ensure that you are fully prepared and will achieve your ideal result.

IELTS Preparation
The IELTS is an internationally recognized test of English language proficiency. For non-native English speakers, it is commonly required for entrance to most North American universities and colleges. This program covers all four parts of the test: speaking, listening, reading and writing. You will also learn strategies and techniques for speed and scoring high in each part.
Level Testing At Asatid
Upon arrival at Asatid Language Centre, every student must do a placement test and undergo an interview with one of Asatid’s highly-trained student counsellors. The placement test evaluates grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension skills. The interview evaluates the student’s speaking and listening abilities and helps to design the ideal study program in consideration of the student’s needs and goals.